TC McCormack

Hybrid-Display Structures

Panel Print Series featured: H-DS. 003, 004a, 004b 005, 006, 007a, 007b, 008, 012, 017. Poly-Silk mix material, wood, aluminium, paint. Sizes: 270/120cm *007a & 007b 135/120cm & 160/120cm Presented in the exhibition: The Immense Ventriloquism – Part.2, at nationalmuseum, Berlin. 03.03 to 01.10.2020 *exhibition was extended due to Covid-19

Hybrid-Display Structures (H-DS) reconsider the nature of display, the conditions of exhibiting and how we consider art.

Built around a curatorial mode of address, a series of Hybrid-Display Structures foreground the exhibition, featuring an installation of floor to ceiling digital prints on fabric, orientated across a specially constructed framework and upon the gallery walls. Positioned in direct correspondance with a series of artworks by seven invited artists, the visual language and formation of the hybrids presents a new configuration of image-space (bildraum).

Inhabiting a space of hybridity, the H-DS’s remove many of the categorising features that generally distinguish between an artwork and exhibition architecture, image and object. By adopting the physiognomy of an exhibition display system, the Hybrids have the means to address and frame a curated selection of artworks by guest artists.

In purposely dissolving any boundaries between the Hybrid Display Structures and the guest artworks, a perceptual miscognition and contiguity is evoked in the viewers reception. The Hybrids display a visual language of calibration and optical registers, through decontextualized imagery, decentred patterns and an ungraspable slippage of surface.

Predominantly featuring prints and paintings, the work by guest artists are carefully placed within the installation, arranged in a contiguous set of relations with the Hybrid-Display Structures. In presenting a positional and situational interplay, of counterpoint and counterbalance, the hybrids foreground and reflect upon particular attributes of each of the guest artworks.

The guest artists: Clara Bausch, Matthew Burbidge, Ingo Gerken, Marie von Heyl, Michael Schultze, Raaf van der Sman and Oliver Zwink.

Hybrid-Display Structures is featured in the second in a series of exhibitions entitled: The Immense Ventriloquism – Part.2, presented at nationalmuseum, Berlin.

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